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North Shore Chiro Chiropractor Wayne 300x300 ver B

Dr Wayne Smith
BSc (Chiro), BPhEd

I love being a family wellness chiropractor. I love helping people who truly want to become well. We have a family focus encompassing education so that people can be empowered to make healthier decisions now and into the future. This is both incredibly fun and exciting.

When I’m not at North Shore Chiropractic I am enjoying family time with my wife Lauren and 2 kids…and don’t forget the chickens! The rest of my time is spent reading & learning the latest wellness information.

The greatest miracle I have seen so far:

A 7 year old boy, diagnosed autistic at 18mths old. After 12 months of chiropractic he was “a totally different boy”. He could sit up straight, his motor skills improved, behaviour improved, he’s a lot happier and has more confidence. This is life changing for both the boy and his entire family.

Dr Wayne’s Hours
Mondays | Wednesdays | Fridays

7.30am – 11.00 am
2.00 pm – 6.30pm