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Check out recent health articles on chiropractic care, spinal health, nutrition and everything in between. Happy Reading!

5 Signs of Poor Circulation in Winter
Chiropractic Healing Preventive Care

5 Signs of Poor Circulation in Winter

As winter settles in, bringing its penetrating chill, maintaining good blood circulation becomes crucial—not just for comfort but for overall...
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How Safe is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic Healing Preventive Care

How Safe is Chiropractic Care?

When it comes to healthcare options, chiropractic care stands out for its drug-free, non-surgical approach, making it a sought-after care...
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Breathing Easy: The Chiropractic Approach to Better Breathing
Chiropractic Healing Posture

Breathing Easy: The Chiropractic Approach to Better Breathing

In the pursuit of good health, understanding how our body's different parts work together is key. One often overlooked connection...
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Chiropractic for Injury-Free DIY Projects
Chiropractic Preventive Care Stress

Chiropractic for Injury-Free DIY Projects

As this year is finally coming to a close, many New Zealanders are rolling up their sleeves, ready to dive...
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Dowager’s Hump and its Long-Term Health Effects
Chiropractic Posture Stress

Dowager’s Hump and its Long-Term Health Effects

Within the realm of spinal health, Dowager's hump, clinically referred to as kyphosis, is a condition that often goes unnoticed...
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A Simple Guide to Better Sleep Positions
Posture Spinal Health Stress

A Simple Guide to Better Sleep Positions

When you think about how much time we spend in bed, it makes sense that our sleeping position would have...
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A Kiwi Family’s Secret to Lifelong Health
Chiropractic Preventive Care

A Kiwi Family’s Secret to Lifelong Health

At Norwest Chiropractic, we champion preventive chiropractic care as a cornerstone of wellness for families in New Zealand. You may...
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Natural Ways of Managing Sciatica
Chiropractic Preventive Care

Natural Ways of Managing Sciatica

In this article, let's talk about sciatica. The pesky condition that can make sitting, standing, and even walking feel like...
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Don’t let fear hold you back from experiencing the benefits of Chiropractic
Healing Spinal Health

Don’t let fear hold you back from experiencing the benefits of Chiropractic

As we enter a new year, many people make resolutions to improve their health and well-being. And even though one...
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Things to consider if you need to work from your bed
Posture Preventive Care Technology

Things to consider if you need to work from your bed

Working from your bed... It sounds really tempting to do this from time to time, especially since it's winter. I...
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Adaptability and Stress Resilience
Chiropractic Healing Stress

Adaptability and Stress Resilience

"It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives, but the...
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4 Signs of a Spinal Subluxation
Chiropractic Preventive Care Spinal Health

4 Signs of a Spinal Subluxation

Have you heard of the phrase "spinal subluxation"? If you google it, is a term used to describe a joint...
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7 Reasons Why You Are Having A Brain Fog
Brain Health Chiropractic Posture

7 Reasons Why You Are Having A Brain Fog

Have you ever experienced moments where you just couldn't seem to think straight? You wonder where you left your phone...
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Rethinking Screentime Use During The Pandemic
Chiropractic Exercise Posture Technology

Rethinking Screentime Use During The Pandemic

During the lockdown, one thing is for sure. We have definitely increased reliance on computers and gadgets! Nowadays adults need...
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Are you getting Quality Sleep?
Chiropractic Healing Posture

Are you getting Quality Sleep?

As chiropractors, we consider 'sleep' as one of the essential pillars of good health. Essential, because as humans, we simply...
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How to avoid heavy lifting injuries in your workplace
Chiropractic Posture Preventive Care Spinal Health

How to avoid heavy lifting injuries in your workplace

Every 28th of April, World Day for safety and health at work is observed around the world. And on this...
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Does Chiropractic Care Help Protect Your Heart?
Chiropractic Preventive Care Spinal Health

Does Chiropractic Care Help Protect Your Heart?

This month we are celebrating not only Valentines Day, but also Heart Awareness Month. Since it’s all about hearts, we...
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Toxic Release from Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic Healing

Toxic Release from Chiropractic Adjustments

There are a lot of ways to naturally detox our body. Increasing physical activity, drinking more water, eating more foods...
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How to stay active during winter months
Chiropractic Exercise

How to stay active during winter months

It’s winter time again, and the weather outside is frightful. As the cold weather makes it hard for the body...
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Stop Those Rounded Shoulders!
Chiropractic Exercise Posture

Stop Those Rounded Shoulders!

The term 'rounded shoulders' is used to describe a resting shoulder position that has moved forward from the body's ideal alignment.  People...
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