Brain Health

That terrible habit of sitting on wallets

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Norwest Chiro Blog sitting on wallet 1

Many people, especially men, place their wallet in their back pocket. Why not, right? It’s the main purpose of a back pocket. It’s convenient, the wallet fits perfectly and you can easily reach for it at all times. However, this habit is very, very terrible. As posture and spine experts, we simply don’t recommend you […]


Why Do Health Problems and Injuries Recur?

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Norwest Chiro Blog - Why Do Health Problems and Injuries Recur 2

Many people believe in the idea that “If it’s not broke, there’s no need to fix it”.  Oftentimes, after the pain is gone and symptoms subside, we think that our body is 100% “healed” and there’s no need for follow-up checkups and preventive care. This belief often results in a relapse into the original problem […]