
Why Do Health Problems and Injuries Recur?

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Many people believe in the idea that “If it’s not broke, there’s no need to fix it”.  Oftentimes, after the pain is gone and symptoms subside, we think that our body is 100% “healed” and there’s no need for follow-up checkups and preventive care. This belief often results in a relapse into the original problem […]


Designer Bags, Smartphones and High Heels Could Affect Your Health

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Norwest Chiro Blog shoulder bag smartphone

Media Release: NZ Chiropractors Association Your choice of handbag and how you carry it may be affecting your health long term, according to the New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association. NZCA spokesperson and chiropractor Dr Cassandra Fairest explains: `Regularly carrying a large, heavy bag, texting and looking down can cause an alteration in your natural posture. When […]


Ideal neck curve looks like a banana

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Blog Post Header - ideal neck curve looks like a banana

Do you know that the ideal neck curve is shaped like a banana? Yes… our neck needs some curve! We call this important curve the cervical lordosis or ‘neck curve’. This curve protects the neck from damage, acting as ‘shock absorbers’ which reduces the force (stress and strains) on the spinal cord and nerves. It’s […]